The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Pedestrian Accident Reconstruction

Kelly Morrissey ([email protected])
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 02:33:55 -0400 (EDT)

I have a question regarding vehicle speed when there are noskidmarks to measure.
My son, age 6 was hit and killed last year by a driver of a 1975 Ford Pickup .
He was only a foot from the center line of the street when hit while crossing at the
corner on his bike . He had his helmet on.However his bicycle hadlebars got hung
up in the grill of the truck which would normally be a lucky thing I would guess
for most people would have easily stopped. However the man behind the wheel happened
to be brain damaged from a previous accident and never hit his brakes, never
swerved nothing . My son was able to hang on for a 100' feet, probably waiting for this
guy to just stop!!!!My feeling is that this man was going too fast rather than 25-30
which is what he told the police and went into the official report. (The responding
officer knew the guy from church and should have removed himself from the case
but didn't.) This guy went a total of 250' for a 25-30 mph accident!!! He was
never charged with a thing!!!!!!!Please help.
Kelly Morrissey
[email protected]

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