The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Momentum Energy

Carl Sandler ([email protected])
Mon, 22 Jun 1998 23:31:14 -0400 (EDT)

Joe, not all collision scenarios can be quanified by using momentum analysis alone. A recent intersection crash produced good roadway evidence that will allow me to use momentum analysis, hovever, one of the vehicles struck a steel lamp post during its post-impact movement. This resulted in siginificant front end damage to the vehicle. By quantifying the energy component of this phase of the crash in addition to the crush damage from the collision between the two vehicles, I can analyze post impact speed loss, approach/departure angles, and produce a more accurate estimation of the pre-impact speed for each vehicle. Without the energy/crush analysis, I'm not accounting for a key piece of the puzzle. Hope this helps. By the way, Texas A M University conducts an excellent "Vehicle Damage Energy" course. It provides a solid foundation based on physics, and demonstrates the correct application of crush measuring protocol. Rusty Haight Joe Hudak are the instructors and do an e
xcellent job of presenting the subject matter.
Carl Sandler
[email protected]

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