The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Truck Slipstream Effects

Roger Anderson ([email protected])
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 07:29:31 -0400 (EDT)

I am dealing with a case where a large truck travelling at about 45 mph was overtaking a 125 cc motorcycle which was probably travelling at between 25 and 30 mph. The initial gap between the truck and the motorcycle could have been anything between 1.4 and just over 2 metres.

When the truck was about half to two thirds through the overtake the motorcycle moved across the road and into the side of the truck just in front of the rear wheels.

It has been suggested that the truck�s slip stream pulled the bike into its side. I have been riding bikes for years and although I am aware that trucks can cause some buffeting I have not come across this so called �sucking� effect.

Has anyone any knowledge of this, or of any relevant research that may assist?

Roger Anderson
[email protected]

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