The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Yaw Mark

Pete Walker ([email protected])
Wed, 5 Aug 1998 22:51:23 -0400 (EDT)

In response to Dave, not to be cocky, but I do know the difference between which formulas to use in my calculations. I took the first third of the yaw, and then measured the middle ordinate-- I just thought that since the the yaw was so short, because it was interrupted by impact that is why the speed was not working out. In reponse to Bruno -- yes I did do the analysis, and I'm right there in the ballpark. My gut feeling is that the yaw mark is not actually a true critical speed yaw, I think it is an oversteer, as if the driver was turning hard to the left to avoid an object, as a deer, would the oversteer yaw look similar????, is there anyway to tell the difference bewteen the two?????
Pete Walker
[email protected]

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