The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Accident vs Crash

Matthew Mercer ([email protected])
Fri, 7 Aug 1998 21:22:27 -0400 (EDT)

In Oklahoma, ACOG, Association of Central Oklahoma Governments, who meets every month to see what they can make the local govt's do to make their city better, is also pushing for the change to crashes instead of accidents. Their basic reason is the same, a certain action taken by a driver caused the "crash", so it was not an "accident". They tell us this is a NHTSA recommendation. Our official report form has not changed from accident, but I am sure it will before long. Our department administration has mixed feelings on the subject, but I dont care what they call it, I will still investigate them, and write the cite's. It sounds like politics to me.

Matt Mercer
[email protected]
Matthew Mercer
[email protected]

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