The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Accident vs Crash

Gene K. Baxter ([email protected])
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 15:19:18 -0400 (EDT)

Wow! I can't believe so many of you are concerned about the use of the word "Collision" vs. "Accident." It's all semantics and doesn't make any difference. An "Accident" is an undesired event that happens that is not intentional. It has nothing to do with who was at fault. A vehicle "Collision" or "Crash" or "Whatever else you want to call it" is just one type of accident. Do you think a jury really cares whether a person was in an accident or a collision? Their job is to determine who was at fault, they don't care what the event was called. Would you, if you were on the jury? I don't think so.
Gene K. Baxter
[email protected]

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