The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: pole damage

Joe Cofone ([email protected])
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 22:17:03 -0400 (EDT)

Despite the negative review by Paul R the manual I wrote does contain a manual calculation methodogy that you could probably use to help you develop the estimate you're seeking. I am not totally sure, but I do not believe that NHTSA conducted any rear end impacts with wooden utility poles. I would advise checking their data base which is accessible via the internet. IIHS has from time to time conducted low speed rear impacts into a metal, unyielding pole. I am not sure if their data is available. Some pole impact data has been published in the Accident Recon Journal.
To answer part of your question, yes you can use fixed barrier rear impact data if it exists and is the best evidence for the same or similar year, make, and model vehicle involved in the case you are investigating. Check the manual for the correct procedure. Your estimate in such a case will be conservative.
Good Luck,
Joe Cofone
Joe Cofone
[email protected]

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