The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Speedometer Locked in Position Following a Collision

Dave Lohf ([email protected])
Thu, 5 Feb 1998 21:52:21 -0500 (EST)

This is absolutely UNRELIABLE method of determining impact speed. In years gone by (when manufacturers still used fluorescent paint on speedometer needles), it was possible to use a "black light" to illuminate an impact smudge under special circumstances. ( If the brakes were locked and wheels sliding, the speedometer should read "0".) With the advent of present plastic speedometer needles, there is no reliable method of trying to illuminate the reading at the time of impact. If memory serves me correctly, the speedometer in Princess Diana's limo read somewhere around 120 KPH after the car was stopped, but, I doubt many reading this forum will pin their reputations on that being the impact speed.
Dave Lohf
[email protected]

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