The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Speedometer Locked in Position Following a Collision

J.F. ([email protected])
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 07:59:33 -0500 (EST)

Have to agree and disagree. Pulsating laser light and special filters can pick up stiations caused by the speedometer needle utilizing time photography as will using alternating light sources of different band widths with various color filters. There is also a mixture of chemicals called RAM that enhances the striations and preserves them much like heated crazy glue can with fingerprints.

Will agree that this is not the most reliable method of determing a collision speed especially a locked speedometer needle.

Would with caution suggest that 120 Km/h (74.5 MPH) isn't such a bad SWAG on Diana's crash. I believe one of Britain's top AR types had a speed near this.
J.F. (Jim) Mitchell
[email protected]

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