The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: speed estimates from broken tempered glass

Wilt Nelson ([email protected])
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 17:46:47 -0400 (EDT)

Allan, Forgive me for being picky. But the adjective "strongly" may imply something to others that you don't mean. The word "affecting" is enough. Although this analysis or speed calculation for broken tempered glass windows does involve what some might think is ballistic, it also can construe to others that the glass particles are being "shot" or driven away for the source. Tempered glass is cooled to produce internal stress on the glass sheet which when released by breaking the surface plane, shatters. On occassion the tempered glass window will remain in place (broken) except for a small hole where the stress relieving force was exerted. The particles do not have an upward trajectory, e.g.; like a bullet shooting up at an angle. If the car was on a level plane when the window broke the particles will not go higher than the level at which they started. The effect of wind is negligible as is the drag factor on most surfaces, water and mud are obvious exceptions. Sometimes w
e try to make the solutions to complex. A speed estimate to 2 decimal places isn't necessary.

Wilt Nelson
[email protected]

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