The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Re: airbag injuries

Wilt Nelson ([email protected])
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 18:02:55 -0400 (EDT)

You have a real concern, that may be difficult to solve. A short person such as your daughter not only has short lower extremities but also has short arms. So simply putting higher pedals on the foot controls does not necessarilly get her chest away from the bag in the event of a deployment. If she were my daughter and the only person who drove that car, I would seek help to get the system deactivated or disarmed on the driver side. The lap and shoulder belt system is the important safety device. While airbags can be useful those cases are limited to frontal crashes within 30� left or right of straight ahead (on on the clock with 12 o'clock being straight ahead, between 1:30 and 10:30). The driver bag essentially protects the head. The lap-shoulder belts provide restraint in 360� and keep the chest from impinging on the steering wheel. The air bag should have remained a purchaser option. It has lethal potential as the public is finally becoming aware of.
Wilt Nelson
[email protected]

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