The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: education

Wilt Nelson ([email protected])
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 18:13:48 -0400 (EDT)

What is your educational background? Do you have more than grade 12? How is your physics and math? These are sort of the basic building blocks that you really should have before attending the AI schools. What State do you live in? I don't know of any correspondence schools for this type of education, but there are a number of books on the subject that combined with Craig's ARJ could assist a dedicated person to become knowledgeable in this area. In your job with the insurance company it is well to know some of the basics but wiser to employ an outside reconstructionist with a good track record than to try to do the work yourself. The outsider is cheaper in the long run, faster and makes a better expert witness in court.

Wilt Nelson
[email protected]

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