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Re: MathCad 7

Paul Smith ([email protected])
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 20:24:24 -0400 (EDT)

One of the best software packages for math ever. The user interface takes a little getting used to but within an hour or so you should get the basics for entering and plotting Newton-type equiations which is what you are most likely to be doing.

basic operation is - define your constants, define your variable range, define your expression, create a plot

Here are a few crucial commands:

colon - creates an equals sign. Define a constant or variable e.g. a=9.8, s(t)=1/2*a*t^2

when you open a bracket it defines a placeholder - just fill it with the variable.

semicolon - define a range. e.g. t=0..10

@ - create a plot. e.g. fill in t on the x axis and s(t) on the y axis. F9 does the calculation

You can cut and paste plots into Word no problem.

You'll love it.

Paul Smith
[email protected]

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