The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Chain reaction accident

Paul R ([email protected])
Fri, 18 Dec 1998 18:07:26 -0500 (EST)

V#1 stopped turning left. V#2 stopped behind v#1. V#3 comes along and crashes into v#2 causing substantial damage to v#2. V#2 the hits the rear of v#1. I've been square rooting ke*64.4 and dividing it by the weight of the striking vehicle and then square rooting that for velocity, but the speeds seem pretty low for the amount of damage. Any suggestions?

V#1=2871 lbs traveled 30 feet after being struck by v#2
v#2=2609 lbs traveled 15 feet struck v#1 then came to rest 25 feet after that
v#3=3322 lbs struck v#2 then traveled another 36 feet
There was NO braking by any of the involved vehicles. V#2 sustained 2 rear flats

Road was essentially flat and there were no road defects.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Paul R
[email protected]

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