The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -Contents-

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Contents July, 1999

Update from the editor 07/01/99
Archive Editorials

Publication and Reading Guidelines

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TARO makes no apology for the lack of pretty pictures, movies or sounds. This is a technical journal. Loading graphics takes time. On the other hand, if a movie or sound would assist in the understanding of an idea, they will be gladly included. Where possible, all pages are written in HTML 2.0. This approach was chosen to accommodate as many web browsers as possible.

Submission Policy

The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin is actively seeking articles for publication. Any non copyrighted article, previously published or not, is welcomed. The article must be submitted by the original author(s). All text should be spell checked, proofed and submitted by E-mail or on a 3.5 inch disk. Illustrations should be of original quality and at least 3.5 x 5 inches in size.

Submissions should fit in one of the following categories.

Be sure you have read and agree with the Publication Information listed below. Submissions, including artwork, will remain on file. If in doubt about whether or not your article is appropriate E-mail a copy of the Abstract to feedback. Or you can send a copy of the article through the mail.

Mailed submissions should be addressed to:
TARO Submissions
PO Box 6200
Lake Worth, FL


TARO Copyright and Publication Information

The TARO logo (106 Kb gif) created by Sherri Von Hartman [email protected]

The TARO logo and TARO pages are Copyrighted by © 1995-1997. All rights reserved.

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