The Traffic Accident Reconstruction Origin -ARnews-

Re: Need help with motorcycle crash

M Catrini ([email protected])
Mon, 7 Dec 1998 09:30:45 -0500 (EST)

With the drastic technological changes in motorcycles from year to year, you would never be able to use a crush formula unless the test in question was performed on the exact year make and model (given the differences in frame construction, engine location, fork type, etc....).

It would also be very unlikely that the model in question were modified from its original specifications given the market classification. The GS1100 was a sport performance machine, (it was an early version of what some like to call a "crotch rocket"..pardon my slang), versus a cruiser( read "Harley Davidson"). These types of bikes rarely had structural frame or fork modifications.

I would tend to agree that your best bet is to treat this as motorvehicle versus pole. However, you would need to take into account the mass of the motorcycle given the fact that it is not a stationary object. Start by calling a Suzuki shop and getting the dry weight of the bike (it's no lightweight.....)

M Catrini
[email protected]

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